Legendary master of creative music
Daniel Carter is an American experimental saxophone, flute, clarinet, and trumpet player active mainly in New York City since the early 1970s. One of the legendary masters of creative music. Born in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania in 1945.
Carter is a prolific performer and has recorded or performed with William Parker, Federico Ughi, DJ Logic, Thurston Moore, Yo La Tengo, Sun Ra, Cecil Taylor, scientist/musician Matthew Putman, Patrick Holmes, Sabir Mateen, Cooper-Moore, Sam Rivers, David S. Ware, Yoko Ono, Medesky Martin and Wood and Jaco Pastorius among others. He is a member of the cooperative free jazz groups TEST and Other Dimensions In Music.
Discography on 577 Records
Telepathic Mysteries Vol. 1
TEST and Roy Campbell
Welcome Adventure! Vol. 1
Electric Telepathy Vol. 1
Radical Invisibility
Telepatia Liquida
Listening Group
Inside The Studio Vol. One
New York United
Telepathic Alliances
Extra Room
Extra Room Vol. Two
The Dream
Life Station
Mountain Path
Gowanus Recordings
People's Resonance
Concrete Science
In Ponta Delgada
South Of Brooklyn
All About Jazz Italia (Italy) Fabio Strada
All Music (USA), François Couture
Review: Federico Ughi with Daniel Carter "Astonishment" 577 Records
Astonishment: the title may sound pretentious but for once it is well deserved. Federico Ughi and Daniel Carter's CD surprises and charms. Both players are well accustomed to free improvising, but their take on the genre is a lot more atmospheric than one would expect. Carter alternates mainly between his trumpet and alto saxophone (a touch of flute or clarinet here and there too). His short, pensive trumpet lines recall Bill Dixon. His reed playing can be a little more gutsy, but things rarely escalate over the whisper. Ughi mainly uses soft mallets, tickling the cymbals, less playing the drums than letting them release their inner vibrations. He also sings long, delicate notes he samples live to accumulate. The resulting music is dreamy, cloudy, surprisingly quiet, and gentle for a free improv session. One thinks of Ben Monder's albums with Theo Bleckmann (the two voices also share similarities), some of Pauline Oliveros' pieces, or some strange, otherworldly world music -- Astonishment emits ritualistic, incantatory vibes. Singling out a particular track would not do justice to the other ones, since they all share a similar mood and seem interconnected in a unique musical vision. This CD could be used as an entry point for someone interested in free improvisation. Wrapped up in the music you hardly notice the absence of a script until you focus your attention on either player. To be listened to with eyes closed after a particularly stressful day. Strongly recommended.
Il Manifesto (Italy), Luigi Onori
Review: Federico Ughi with Daniel Carter "Astonishment" 577 Records
Questo CD documenta l'attivita' newyorkese del musicista italiano. Egli suona la batteria, utilizza la voce e lavora campionando suoni dal vivo mentre al suo fianco agisce uno dei piu' interessanti strumentisti della Big Apple, quel Daniel Carter che suona sassofoni, clarinetti, tromba e flauto. La musica viene creata quale composizione istantanea dei due jazzisti e si muove su piani prevalentamente orizzontali; giocati su spazi dilatati ricchi, comunque, di tensione, i pezzi combinano i suoni della trombe sordinata con lo scampanio dei piatti, il fraseggio delle ance con i campionamenti, il linguaggio del free con un relax quasi cool. "Stupore" e' un titolo quantomai esatto che riassume la dimensione attonita, sognante ma indagatoria dei sei brani dell'album. 6/7
© 2018 Forward Festival/577 Records
© 2018 Forward Festival/577 Records