Daniel Carter, Patrick Holmes, Matthew Putman :: Whoadie CD
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An out of tune piano inspired the creation of this album.

Daniel Carter, Patrick Holmes, and Matthew Putman are part of the collective group Telepathic Band, also featuring bassist Hilliard Green and drummer Federico Ughi. They first met as a trio for an informal rehearsal, during which a completely out of tune piano was used. After listening back to the recording, the band was intrigued by the group sound and decided to pursue a proper studio session, although this time with one of the best, most impeccably tuned pianos in NYC. Three tracks (3-4-7) from that very first unhinged meeting remained irreplaceable, however, and had to be included in this release. 

Whoadie is slang for close friends. The word originates from New Orleans, Louisiana. As New Orleans is divided into wards, people from the same ward used to greet each other as “waaaar-day" which eventually turned into "whoadie." (Wikipedia). Daniel Carter suggested this title for this latest collaboration with Texas-born clarinet player Patrick Holmes, a brilliant up-and-coming member of the New York downtown scene, and pianist Matthew Putman, renowned scientist and educator, best known for his work in nanotechnology, the science of working in extremely small dimensions.

Listen to this album if you are inspired by spontaneity, beauty, and adventure in music and driven by these things in life.

Daniel Carter, Patrick Holmes, Matthew Putman :: WHOADIE

Daniel Carter : Saxophones, Clarinet, Trumpet, Flute
Patrick Holmes : Clarinet
Matthew Putman : Keyboard

Recorded in New York City and Brooklyn, NY
Release: February 2020
Total album time - 38:00
Catalogue number 5825

Photo by Reuben Radding
Graphic design by Sergio Vezzali


1 - Waaaar-day
2 - Here From Elsewhere
3 - Glue You
4 - Seriousnesses Vertigo
5- Book About Waves
6- Parallel Perceptions
7- Stain at Home
8- Deep Breath Then Carry On
9- Life Too Late

Exclusive first edition of 100 copies

100% of profit from the sale of most of these albums
goes to the musicians

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